I was sitting down watching TV last week, on a random boring night in. I sat there zapping through my channels, nothing really caught my attention except every single object sitting around in my living room. I do that a lot, when I'm alone. I think and look at things, and perceive them in the weirdest manner. The Tiffany lamp, my sisters and I got mum for Christmas, all the family pictures, the flicker of the scented candle and a few other things caught my eye and took me down memory lane or I just squinted and tried to see them as other objects ( I guess I was Super Bored!).

There was a vase also sitting there, which I kind of have this love /hate relationship with. It's an average looking vase, no pretty blue and white patterns, like a china vase, no vibrant colours or subtle ones at that, just a bland mixture of hand painted designs, giving it that vintage look.

At first, I always thought it was an eyesore on amongst the other ornaments and I sometimes I wished mum would drop it while dusting it and maybe wrap it up in coarse newspaper and throw it out, or just give it away. Alas, when I finally once did hear a crashing sound, and searched for the remains in the bin with no success, I walked into the kitchen to see my mother putting all back together meticulously with a tiny tube of super glue.

It took her ages to do it, but the vase was sitting majestically on that shelf right the next day! Obviously the next time I got to dust the ornaments (What Joy! hehehe) my mother reminded me to be extra careful with the vase. Though I thought avoiding it altogether would've been best maybe, holding it in my hands I had one of my ‘love' moments with it. I love art nouveau and the shape and colours of the vase were so reminiscent of the 1920s. Holding it closely I could see every crack and the thin line of glue holding it all together.

Funny I thought, how sometimes out of clumsiness or just because you're not taking extra care, things might fall out of your grip and break into a thousand pieces. You can pick up the pieces, risk getting cut in the process, then sit patiently and put it all together piece by piece IF you really want to still have that pretty vase (which you don't know why you love so much) still sitting on your shelf! Or.... you can just sweep the whole thing away, wrap it up so you can't see the damage made and throw it away.

It's not the choice of the century really, whatever you choose to do with your broken vase or any other object. But I can assure you can't even see the cracks in that vase I got sitting there at home! It looks as good as new. Now after that analogy.. I think I have to go and get myself some super glue.....

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