A new film titled Darkest Hour has hit the box office, a biopic which portrays the great Winston Churchill’s ascension to the premiership of the UK.

It is a spectacular movie in many respects. It captures the dogged patriotism of the British public in one of its lowest moments when the entire British war machine was facing annihilation at Dunkirk.

The film shows Churchill struggling on two fronts, grimly determined to save his forces from extermination while holding out against the pantywaists in his own party who wanted to appease Adolf Hitler and negotiate a truce.

The film is even more relevant and important compared to the present day, when the UK has all but lost its identity to the cowardice of its spineless politicians and where anything remotely resembling patriotism has been all but outlawed so as not to offend the invasive Islamic elements that have refused to assimilate and expect Europe to kowtow to their way of life.

Even the sacred and democratic will of the British people – to withdraw from the hateful EU – is being spat upon by its own politicians and by Marxist agitators who think they know best for everybody else and who are seeking to sabotage Brexit and remain in the EU at all costs.

Darkest Hour? Whoever came up with that title does not know the half of it. I’m glad old Winston is not alive to witness this dereliction of everything the UK has always stood for. In the words of Shakespeare, “it would burst his mighty heart”.

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