Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagħ (ADŻ-Green Youth) consider FKNK's attacks on the Committee Against Bird Murder (CABS) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds as ridiculous. FKNK are accusing these organisation of being "spies". It seems federation secretary Lino Farrugia has no idea what espionage is all about.

He accuses the government of stopping afternoon hunting so that these "strangers" could have free reign in the countryside. This is already a contradiction because spies, the real ones, do not have government approval for spying on the country, let alone have the government's help.

Mr Farrugia has to come to terms with the fact that these "spies" are nothing more than people who will be conducting fully-legitimate research and investigation.

Mr Farrugia further alleges that these organisations "'constitute a serious threat of foreign interference" and intend to intrude into private property at night. I think it's rather the opposite; these organisations want to make sure that we respect the law because it seems we are not able to do this by ourselves.

On a more serious note, Mr Farrugia said that trouble was to be expected. Our country cannot be held at ransom by a relatively small group of people who want to keep on practising their hobby against the national interest. If by trouble FKNK mean further violence and/or vandalism we hope (and believe) the police will take the necessary action.

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