This stupid divorce debate is becoming even stupider.

First we had the Hon. Pullicino Orlando deciding he was special enough to dictate the House’s legislative programme, ignoring the fact that neither party had had the guts to put divorce on its electoral menu.

Then we had Joseph Muscat pulling a rather sharp U-turn about the idea of the question being put to the Great Unwashed in a referendum, first saying that it’s a matter for the House and now saying that it’s a matter for the electorate.

Now we have the House wasting its time and our money debating the form of the question that’s going to be put, for all the world as if the popular perception won’t be that the question is “Divorce, Yes or No?” anyway (and for the record, I will vote “yes” even if it means giving aid and succour to Labour)

Soon we’re going to have the fun of having to vote on the stupid question of divorce, and to make things even more stupid (not to say stupider) a bunch of Nationalist MPs are having a conscience twitch and are saying that whatever the Great Unwashed says, they’re against divorce and that’s all there is to it.

So why, pray, are you insisting we have a referendum at all? When that Sant fellow had said he wouldn’t feel bound by the EU Referendum, you got your collective knickers in a twist, but now you’re being seen by us out here as doing the same thing, so why are we going to waste our time?

Why don’t the two parties just admit it once and for all? They’re running so scared of the Fundamentalists (of the Catholic variety) that they haven’t the faintest idea how to get out of the mess JPO’s bit of grandstanding has made.

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