"University students are of sufficient maturity to be proactive."

University of Malta Academic Staff Association pointing out that while more had to be done to improve lecturers' skills, students themselves had to be proactive.

"It is terrorism at sea, an act of piracy."

Lawyer John Refalo condemning Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's attack on Maltese fishermen in the tuna battle on the high seas.

"We had every reason to believe the tuna was caught illegally."

Sea Shepherd flagship captain Paul Watson denying the accusations of Maltese fishermen and saying they only wanted to stop illegal activity.

"Some callers actually thought there were bees trapped in the commentators' studios."

PBS acting CEO Natalino Fenech on complaints the broadcaster was receiving about the loud buzzing sound of the infamous vuvuzela horns used during the World Cup.

"Narrow economic lens..."

The Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations describing Malta Business Bureau's report that EU proposals to extend maternity leave would cost the economy €12.3 million and make employing women less attractive.

"Not after a pound of flesh."

Prosecuting officer Jesmond Borg assuring the magistrate the homeless drug addict before him needed help because he hit rock bottom.

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