Following an accident, I had to attend regular physiotherapy sessions at the physiotherapy neuro-rehabilitation unit at St Luke’s Hospital. This at times is a traumatic experience, since you never know how these would result.

I have seen patients nearly on a breakdown course before attending such sessions with the usual question: what will be the result of all this? The only way to minimise such fear is understanding and love which at times is very difficult to find.

I was very surprised to notice such understanding and encouragement during such sessions. This encouragement is always given freely by the staff at the physiotherapy department.

These angels are the first to compliment us patients, and to give us a priceless word of encouragement when it seems necessary.

The amazing thing about these physiotherapists is that they truly mean every word and gesture.

They seem to share our pain and like a very dear family member their greatest wish is to see us rise above our mental anguish and applaud our patience and acceptance.

Through this letter I wish to thank Margaret Muscat the manager and Jesmond Schembri the senior principal of the neuro rehab unit for their excellent leadership and the way they motivate their staff to give such excellent service.

May I also thank the neuro rehab team for their love and dedication in their truly priceless work.

I am sure I speak for all patients when I say I am truly grateful. May God bless you all.

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