David Valenzia will be succeeding his brother, Kevin Valenzia, as senior partner of the PwC Malta firm as from October 1, 2017.

Kevin Valenzia has been with PwC for over 43 years, 30 of them as a partner, and retires from the firm on December 31, 2017 having reached the firm's official retirement age.

[attach id=599157 size="medium" align="right"]Outgoing head Kevin Valenzia[/attach]

Commenting on the election of his successor, Kevin Valenzia said “I am convinced that David will do a great job in his new post. He is well known in the market place and has been involved in the management of the firm for several years. He has made invaluable contributions in his various functions and roles, and I know that he has the depth and breadth of experience needed to be an outstanding leader for the Malta firm. I am also sure that under David’s leadership, there will be continued success for our people and our clients. I know that he will maintain our fundamental principles, values and culture, which have served us so well to date”.

David Valenzia joined the firm in 1989 after qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 1987 in London, where he worked between 1983 and 1989. He became a partner of PwC Malta on January 1, 1998. He is actively involved in the firm’s assurance practice, where, besides being the engagement leader on a number of the firm’s major clients, he deals with a large number of family businesses that form the core of the firm’s client base. He has considerable experience in assisting clients with business development projects and the restructuring of a wide range of businesses. Since 2008, David has been the partner responsible for human capital and, from 2014, the firm’s finance partner.

Commenting on his election, David Valenzia said: "I take pride in forming part of a firm that encompasses highly talented individuals, and a far-reaching and diverse client base. The manner in which we provide our services, focusing on quality and professionalism, using the latest in what technology can provide, must remain at the forefront of everything that we do. During Kevin's tenure, he has always led by example. His energy, enthusiasm and leadership, together with his foresight, has enabled PwC Malta to strengthen its position as the leading professional services firm in Malta, and he has also contributed significantly to Malta's development as a financial services centre. His contribution, both to the firm, and to the market in general, have been invaluable, and he should be very proud of all that he has achieved."

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