The holder of ticket B61279 has won the national lottery, drawn yesterday. The top prize was of Lm150,000. The second prize of Lm10,000 goes to the holder of ticket A64405.

The five prizes of Lm1,000 were won with tickets A15028, A77296, A95074, B67034 and B94426.

A further prize of Lm1,000 was won by the holder of ticket A61279, which has the same digits but a different letter from the first prize winning ticket.

Prizes of Lm500 were won with tickets A09221, B84687, B81418, A90774, A42404, B82351, A20190, A62720, B64281, B63920, A68100, A32867, A45471, B54029, A56977, B39906, A71451, B47693, A96731 and A40143.

Prizes of Lm100 were won with tickets B64405, B15028, B77296, B95074, A67034, A94426, B09221, A84687, A81418, B90774, B42404, A82351, B20190, B62720, A64281, A63920, B68100, B32867, B45471, A54029, B56977, A39906, B71451, A47693, B96731 and B40143.

A holiday in Orlando was won with ticket A17394.

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