Constantine Mallia (Yet Another Victim At Ċirkewwa, June 24), should get his facts right before he puts pen to paper, or hits the keyboard for that matter.

Whenever a traffic accident, particularly a fatal one, is reported, the public's immediate reaction is "the bloke must have been speeding" without bothering to look at other factors which may have contributed to it.

Mr Mallia, in his letter, hastily jumped on the same bandwagon. I can confirm that the vast majority of motorcyclists are very responsible road users, being one myself.

What needs to be done without any further delay is to tackle the arrogance of four-wheeled vehicles in regard to two-wheelers. I have personally witnessed countless instances where cars just ignore right of way, change lanes without turn signals, and even execute U-turns!

This is not to mention other hazards from slippery painted road markings and spillage of diesel fuel from commercial vehicles down to poor surfaces and even irresponsible housewives throwing bucketfuls of soapy water onto the road. The list is by no means exhaustive.

So, if the correspondent doesn't ride a bike himself, he should kindly refrain from making sweeping statements.

And it is high time he does ride a bike; that way he'll be making his contribution towards cleaner air! And easy-way-out solutions are seldom the ideal ones.

Unless those who decide to implement them are after a quick buck!

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