I'm writing to express my disappointment at the authorities (both local council and government/ police) for re-issuing the licence/ permit for the setting off of ground fireworks very close (even less than the absolute minimum eight metres under EU directive 2007/23/ec) to private residences and businesses at Wesgħet il-Vittmi tal-Gwerra, Luqa. This presents health hazards associated with both exposure to toxic fumes and risk of injury from explosives, being in very close proximity to an inhabited area.

According to research by the American Lung Association, the smoke generated from fireworks contains the poisons arsenic, lead, mercury, barium, sulphur dioxide, dioxine, furane and particulate matter smaller than 10 microns which are well documented to be damaging to the respiratory system, and various other body organs as they circulate through the body until they reach the liver.

Being in breach of EU legislation and in such close proximity to this residential area, the residents of the area brought these health hazards to the attention of local authorities as well as the police in 2004, 2005, 2006, and through a signed petition letter in 2007. Sadly, nothing was done despite the police having the power to issue or revoke the license for such activities under the Explosives Ordinance (Paragraph 24, subarticles 1 and 3) and residents are left feeling betrayed by the very people who are charged with the responsibility to safeguard and protect us.

Does this mean that in this day and age in a civilised society certain people's leisure takes precedence over other people's health and safety?

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