This is the sixth Christmas I have spent as a foreigner living in Malta. Every year, when I see all the Nativity scenes and cribs in the windows of shops, offices and homes, and witness the processions, listen to the choirs, and enjoy the lights and festive decorations, I find myself saying - and, indeed, praying! - "Malta: please don't change!"

I come from the UK where, sadly, it seems only a minority now regard this season as anything other than a time for lavish spending and self-indulgence, and where overtly religious representations of the season are being discouraged or even, in some places, disallowed. There are similar trends in other European countries and in the United States also. Is there enough true faith behind all the wonderful Christian symbolism to ensure this doesn't happen here in Malta?

Amid continual change and increasing secularism, I believe the sacred tradition of keeping Christ at the heart of Christmas is a priceless legacy to pass on to future generations that nothing in this world can replace.

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