Those dreading the sticky sweltering summer heat will have plenty to complain about in the coming days as temperatures are expected to soar well above the norm.

But the actual situation might not be as desperate as certain online reports have suggested. Despite the wall of heat outdoors, the Meteorological Office at Malta International Airport is not forecasting a heat wave.

For a heat wave to happen temperatures will have to exceed the mean maximum temperature – 32°C for July – by more than five degrees for three consecutive days.

A spokeswoman for the Met Office said the maximum temperature between tomorrow and Tuesday would reach 36°C, or four degrees above the standard maximum temperature for this time of year. Yet, once the effects of relative humidity and wind are also factored in, temperatures may climb in the region of 40°C.

The maximum temperature is expected to reach 35°C but it will feel like 40°C.The maximum temperature is expected to reach 35°C but it will feel like 40°C.

The Met Office said the rise in the temperature was a result of a plume of warm air making its way from Tunisia to the Strait of Sicily, across the centre of the Mediterranean. Coupled with the high atmospheric pressure above the sea and the sunny weather, this will result in a significant rise in temperature.

Last year there were no exceptionally warm spells during July, with the highest temperature reaching 34°C.

July’s warmest day ever dates back to 1988, when the maximum temperature reached 42.7°C.

Beat the heat

The Health Promotion Department yesterday warned that over-exposure to direct sunlight in such conditions could result in dehydration, serious health complications especially among infants, children and the elderly.

People suffering from chronic conditions and those who lead a very active lifestyle should also take extra care, the department warned. Therefore, it is recommended to:

• Keep cool by drinking lots of water – not alcohol.

• Avoid venturing outdoors between 11am and 4pm.

• Stay in the coolest rooms in the house.

• Avoid hot food and indulge in salads instead.

• In case of doubt consult a doctor.

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