Charles Camilleri (December 17) stirred quite a reaction comparing seeing-eye dogs to circus animals. At first I was angered when I read the comments but then pitied the writer. Obviously, he is totally unaware of the love and dedication that goes into getting a guide dog ready for its life partner.

We now know that the dog must have certain qualities and traits. From experience I know that in North America there are sighted volunteers, who go through a thorough screening process, who take dogs into their homes to give them specific training before the animals start their career. This can last several months. The volunteers do some awareness educational visits to schools. Somehow, commending the President for his plans was completely overlooked. I am sure that President George Abela is well informed about what this mission entails. He will need help with educating young and old.

Guide dogs are not pets. They are working when they have their "business suit" (harness) on. They must be left alone for a number of reasons. Drivers have to become more aware and alert. That will be a good start and, maybe, will take longer than training the dogs, so the sooner the humans education starts the better.

Just spending some time with a visually-challenged person and his guide dog can bring tears to one's eyes. If the dog gets his business suit put on, then the dog is in working mode. Get home, harness off and human and dog change to relax mode.

There is only one sad downside to this relationship. The human usually outlives his partner.

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