Certain recent letters to the editor of this newspaper seem to have the sole aim of denigrating the figure of Josie Muscat and his party, Azzjoni Nazzjonali.

Whereas it is understood that people do have differing political orientations and have every right to promulgate their views and to attack the views of others, it is not acceptable to engage in vehement character assassination attempts. This is especially true when wrongly accusing Dr Muscat of being some kind of selfish, racist, bigot monster.

May I remind the readers that carry out these attacks that Dr Muscat is probably the politician that has done more philanthropic work than any other politician in Malta's modern history? Do readers know that through the Eden Foundation that he set up, Dr Muscat has managed to train thousands of children with disabilities? Do they know that many of these children and youths found a job and entered mainstream society instead of continuing to live locked up at home because until not so long ago they were vehemently marginalised by society? Where were these critics of Dr Muscat at that time? Did they ever write against the unjustified discrimination against persons with disabilities in those days?

In truth are these people really concerned about the fate of illegal immigrants, or are they only interested in attacking Dr Muscat because, once again, he took the unselfish decision to go back to politics and challenge the MLPN duopoly of convenience?

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