It is not enough to eat right and exercise well; we also have to be mentally active, engage in activities that make us feel happier and help us interact with others. Joanna Thompson, from the Malta Medical Students Association, insists it as a combination of physical, mental and social health that governs our overall well-being and that the key word is balance.

Very often, we hear about the importance of physical health, which refers to health of the body, but this is not the only aspect of health.

The World Health Organisation defines health as “…a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. So when talking about health, we must consider three aspects: physical, mental and social.

For our physical health to be at its optimum, our body should be strong, fit and free of illness. If our body is acquiring too little of the nutrients it needs, this malnourishment may lead to health problems. On the other hand, too much of a certain substance may cause other problems. For example, too much fat can lead to obesity, which is, in turn, associated with conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Since both extremes result in negative outcomes, we talk about the importance of a balanced diet.

When we talk about food, we must also talk about exercise and fitness. There are many benefits that result from doing regular exercise. These include strengthening of our muscles, bones and heart, and increasing our lungs’ capacity. Exercise not only promotes our physical health, but it also has many other benefits for our overall well-being.

One benefit we often overlook is the fact that when we exercise, we release chemicals that make us feel happier. Even though we lead such busy lives, it is important to try and dedicate some time to physical activity. We can exercise in many ways so we should try to find a form of exercise that we enjoy, such as dancing, swimming, jogging and other active sports like football and volleyball. Even taking the stairs instead of using elevators is a practical way of doing some exercise during the day. This is especially important for those who lead a sedentary life.

Feeling happy is associated with good mental health. Since all aspects of health are interrelated, anything that has a negative impact on our thoughts and emotions may affect our all-round health. Situations that may affect our mental health range from a severe mental disorder to an apparently simpler matter that we deal with on a daily basis – stress.

Stress can be dealt with in many ways. Engaging in physical activities is a good one. Another thing we can do to improve our mental health is to try and be more peaceful and relaxed. Getting in touch with our spirituality is one way to achieve serenity. To many, religion gives a sense of peace and comfort, while others try yoga and meditation to help let go of unnecessary stress.

Getting enough sleep is also important. One thing that helps to improve sleep is finding a routine that works for each particular individual. Ideally, we should sleep at approximately the same time every night and allow some time just before sleep to relax. Reading a novel or listening to music are effective ways of freeing the mind from unnecessary worries.

Since all aspects of health are interrelated, anything that has a negative impact on our thoughts and emotions may affect our all-round health

Staying mentally active by learning new things, developing new skills and engaging in hobbies can help us improve our mental health. We should not be afraid to try new things and involve ourselves in activities that interest us. Let’s not forget that keeping our mind active also greatly improves our memory in the long run!

As social beings, we feel a desire to interact with others, make friends and have a sense of belonging. Being socially left out can lead to feelings of sadness, which may, in turn, affect our mental andphysical health.

In our busy everyday life, we have so many things to do that we sometimes overlook the importance of maintaining our all-round health. The key word that should govern our everyday life is balance. It is not enough to eat right and exercise well, but we have to be mentally active and engage in activities that make us feel happier and that help us interact with people around us. It is the combination of all the three aspects of health that govern our overall well-being.

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