John Camilleri Brennan (The Sunday Times, September 11) makes the unfounded assertion that “an updated version of the telephone directory will be issued in the near future”.

May I ask from where or from whom, precisely, he gleaned such inaccurate and uncorroborated information? For I have continually harangued Go (who inherited this responsibility from Maltacom, the previous publishers of the printed telephone directory every two years) and the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) since 2006 as to when an updated directory was next due for publication. I have been met with prevarication, posturing and broken promises.

I have been assured by Go and the MCA many times in the past five years that the new telephone directory would be published “imminently” and in the “very near future”.

Besides, the MCA (as Go has ceased to respond to enquiries in this regard) has subsequently advised that due to the apparent “complexity of the situation” and the “number of stakeholders involved”, the formulation of this telephone directory has now assumed a convoluted and complex scenario to implement and provide. What a load of absolute poppy-cock, procrastination and irresponsibility by an entity duty-bound to ensure the provision of such a basic commodity as a printed telephone directory to telephone subscribers!

The telephone directory was last printed in 2004, yet no one is assuming responsibility to ensure an updated edition and provide an accountable and accurate timeframe for when this may eventually occur, contrary to Mr Camilleri Brennan’s claims in this regard.

We have waited interminably for this basic service provision while all so-called “stakeholders” have dilly-dallied and passed the buck, with most of the irresponsibility levelled at the MCA for failing to ensure such a basic provision to be made available to subscribers within an acceptable time.

Why exactly are we waiting for this telephone directory to finally be provided to the public?

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