I was interested to read the comment (March 12) that “the political parties were yesterday left trying to understand what kept voters away from the polling booths”. I can tell them! It was quite simple. We couldn’t get any voting papers.

For the past few weeks we have been inundated with information about the various candidates running in the election. Having made our choice we then set about trying to find voting papers. We enquired at the local police station in Qawra but two officers there told us they had no idea where we could collect them from but that there would be an announcement in the press. We waited – and waited – and then finally saw a notice last week telling us that the very next day was the final day for collecting voting papers from Valletta, which was far too late and too far away and so we were unable to vote. Talking to other people in the area, we are by no means the only ones to have had the same problem.

Instead of writing long letters outlining their policies, the candidates would do better to ensure that the people in their locality can obtain voting papers. In England and Germany and probably other European countries it is unheard of for people to have to go and collect their voting papers. These papers or cards are always delivered to the door by post and are then taken to the polling booths by the voters, where their details are matched to the list of people in that area eligible to vote.

I am not in the least bit surprised that so many people quite frankly could not be bothered to trail across the island to collect their voting papers. Dear political parties, once you start delivering voting papers to the door, I am sure you will find an immediate increase in the voter turnout.

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