On the morning of April 28 I went to St George’s Bay. Walking along on the sand and in the water I kept picking up big shards of green and brown glass, some of it pointing upwards. There were families with children playing on the sand... what if one of these shards became embedded in someone’s hand or foot?

This glass was obviously the remains of glass beer bottles which are irresponsibly thrown and broken by youngsters drinking on the bay at night. I’m only 24 myself but I would never do such a thing.

Together with this letter I am submitting a photo of one of the many handfuls of glass I picked up.

This is atrocious. Why can’t we enjoy our beaches without the fear of impaling our feet on a piece of glass? Why can’t we let our children play on the beach, building sand castles and just playing in the sand without worrying that they’re going to come back to us with a two-inch piece of glass in their hands?

There is the need for 24-hour security at this beach since it is so close to Paceville and since so many obviously uneducated people make their way there with the sole aim of not giving a care as to who might use this beach after them.

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