A series of meet-ups around the theme of science are going to be held in Gozo, starting this Wednesday.
Café Scientifique is an event where anyone can go to have a conversation about the latest ideas in science and technology.
Meetings take place in cafés, bars and restaurants, always outside a traditional academic context. They provide a forum for debating science issues and keeping up to date with latest developments.
Since 1998, cafés worldwide have covered almost every conceivable scientific topic: AIDS, the Big Bang, biodiversity, code-breaking, consciousness, extreme life, genetically-modified organisms, global warming, infertility, nanotechnology and much more.
The first in the series in Gozo is themed ‘Science: White Coat or Coat of Many Colours?’ and intends to discuss what counts as science.
This meeting will be an exploratory discussion on the contested nature of science itself and will lead to a shared understanding of the kind of topics and debates that will be explored in the future.
Cafés start with a short talk by a guest speaker who introduces the topic which is then followed by questions and answers and general discussion. The guest speaker on Wednesday is a representative of the Edward de Bono Institute of Thinking and will present a lateral take on the subject.
■ Wednesday’s café is taking place at the Candle Lounge at Ta’ Philip Restaurant and Bar in Għajnsielem, Gozo from 8pm onwards. It is a comfortable five-minute walk up from the Mġarr ferry terminal.