I would like, in view of the comments uploaded, to rebut the partisan bias made about my appointment as Malta’s ambassador to the US, which though very pleasantly proved the point of my Talking Point.

My two main PN-appointed predecessors in the US were from the PN’s business class, and certainly not diplomats when appointed, and yet their appointment was not criticised by PN-leaning commentators.

I would also like to add that the DC community, including the diplomatic, business and cultural sectors, spoke especially well and most highly of Malta’s non-diplomat ambassadors, as well as their charming wives who worked so hard to give such a good impression of Malta.

They too, I am proud to say, also praised a PN-leaning diplomat who was appointed prior to these businessmen so a little less partisan bias would become certain commentators, as both diplomats and non-diplomats can serve a country well.

Luckily when you are fortunate enough to be appointed an ambassador you hone certain skills which partisan gladiators, who by definition only ever put themselves first, regrettably lack.

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