Before you ask, no I am not a bit miffed at being overlooked by Jo-zeff for the post of deputy leader, parliamentary affairs… not a bit. And I’m sure Konrad will do a fairly good job at it… if not as good a job as I would have done, but hey ho.

At least our charismatic and loveable leader has found a foolproof way to get rid of that perennial embarrassment Toni Abela – or motormouth, as he is known to his friend (Well, he must have at least one).

So it is with pleasure that I can congratulate Konrad on his appointment. As my dear mother said to me last week: “At least he’s keeping the seat warm for you dear.”

We are still basking in the warm glow of our charismatic and loveable leader’s benevolent rule

So no way am I disappointed at not getting Konrad’s new job, I am far too modest to aspire to such a prestigious position so early in my political career. Also, I can always console myself with the thought that at least it didn’t go to little tubby Manuel.

• As usual, the Oppo media are at it again, putting their scruffy boots into poor old Joe Mizzi, just because the public transport situation is at so-called crisis point again.

OK, so we all know poor old Joe isn’t the shiniest apple in the bowl, but hang on a minute. It wasn’t Joe who got our bus system into the manure it’s currently in, it was iffy Austin, probably the most incompetent minister the nats have ever produced.

So you can lay off poor old Joe, he’s just trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s bottom… and a Nationalist sow’s bottom at that… so there!

• To happier things: We, that is, we in the gvern… naturally, are planning a big bash to celebrate our three years in the driving seat of, what we have made into, Ferrari Malta. Jo-zeff will, of course, be hosting this mega-party… accompanied by his lovely consort, Mee-xell. And can there ever have been a more glamorous sidekick to a PM?

And aren’t we lucky to have such a dynamic leader… despite what the vestigial Opposition media bleats. Oh sure, the Gaffarena affair may have slightly tarnished Jo-zeff’s teflon image in some people’s eyes… but not mine, and certainly not the party faithful. They – we are still basking in the warm glow of our charismatic and loveable leader’s benevolent rule.

• Another bee in the Opposition’s bonnet just lately is the way that motormouth (aka Toni Abela) was unceremoniously despatch­ed, to Brussels. For goodness sake! It’s only exactly the same as what they did, when they had the chance.

Just look at the way they treated poor put upon Johnnie Dalli, and – to a lesser extent, Louis Galea... both kicked upstairs, without so much as a thank you. Mind you, at least Xarabanc might be a bit less tedious without the frequent interventions of “Permetili” from the fastest mouth in the west.

Come to think of it, the ability to dispose of unwanted embarrassments is another plus for our membership of the EU. First it was that little gay turncoat from Sliema – expertly expelled to the Belgian capital by Jo-zeff, now it’s motormouth’s turn. Bravo Jo-zeff, keep up the good work.

• And finally, what’s all this Opposition nonsense about our, so-called ‘jobs for the girls’ appointments of new magistrates to the bench? Typical jealousy; I mean, do they expect us to promote one of their people to the job?

And anyway, listen up nats (please notice I use a lower case n). We are in power – not you. I realise this may seem hard to take, after almost 25 years of your own omnipotent misrule, but get used to it! We’re going to be around for a lot longer yet.


Left of left writes: “Ah backbencher I love to read you. Takes me right back to the good old days of Lorry Sant and friends.

Junior nat writes: Who’s Lorry Sant?

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