I am writing to express my concern regarding the increasing number of young people driving what I can only describe as motorised bicycles.

The Saturday before last I was crossing a pedestrian crossing in Rabat at about 8.30pm.

Two cars had already stopped to allow me to cross and I was half way across when a youngster on his unlit motorised bicycle had to swerve round to avoid hitting me. I am 82 years old and I was shaken by what happened.

Could a spokesperson from the police or the Ministry of Transport please clarify the following points as far as the law stands?

Is there a minimal age when youngsters can own and drive these machines?

Is there any sort of driving test these youngsters have to take which would include questions on the Highway Code?

Do their machines have to pass a roadworthy test such as the VRT which every other vehicle owner has to? Should these youngsters have to wear crash helmets as scooter and motorcycle riders have to?

Should these machines, by law, be fitted with lights for use in the hours of darkness?

Do these motorised cycle owners pay any sort of road fund licence as all other vehicle owners have to?

And most importantly, do these riders carry any sort of insurance as all other vehicle owners have to by law?

An answer from those in charge would be greatly appreciated.

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