Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera has submitted a new request to the Magistrates’ Court to issue a protection order to stop Daphne Caruana Galizia from writing new posts about her in her blog.

The new application was filed by the magistrate’s legal counsel, Stephen Tonna Lowell.

The original request was made at the opening of defamation proceedings against Ms Caruana Galizia.

Police Inspector Sandro Camilleri has asked the Magistrate Tonio Micallef Trigona to issue the protection order to bar Ms Caruana Galizia from writing anything further about the subject.

The officer pointed out that the "crimes" had continued but the argument was shot down by defence counsel Roberto Montalto, who argued that the prosecuting officer was throwing the principle of presumption of innocence out of the window.

He added there was nothing that the magistrate needed to be protected from.

The court had down the original request. A second, verbal request was also rejected.

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