Young women in Malta are more likely to continue living with their parents well into their 20s when compared to their EU counterparts, with 82 per cent of those aged 16 to 29 not leaving home before turning 30.

Eurostat data showed that young women in Malta topped the EU list last year, having continued to live with their parents well into their 20s and beyond.

Though their male counterparts did not make it to the top spot in the EU league, Eurostat found that young men in Malta were even more likely than women to go on living at their parents’ homes beyond their teenage years. According to the data, 87 per cent of males under 30 were found still living with their parents in the period under review, the fourth-highest rate in Europe.

Study shows 82 per cent of females, 87 per cent of males stay home past age of 25

On average, 85 per cent of all young people in Malta continued living with their parents, the second highest rate in the EU.

According to data from previous years, the rate for women has been on an upward trend since 2012, when it had slipped to 75.9 per cent. That for males, on the other hand, hit its lowest level in recent years after having peaked at 90 per cent in 2015.

The Eurostat data also showed that, while not the highest in Europe, increases in the number of those still living at home beyond age 30 is on the rise.

Just over half of those between the age of 25 and 34 were found to be still living with their parents last year, the highest figure in a decade. With this age group, the rate for men is significantly higher than that of women and while less than half (43.6 per cent) of females over 30 stayed with parents, almost 60 per cent of males of the same age had yet to leave their parents’ home.

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