A march for truth and justice is being organised by Occupy Justice on October 14.

In a statement, the organisation said bad governance affected everyone and everyone was hurt by corruption.

“The allocation of valuable public land for an absurdly low price to the dB Group, the permit for them to erect a monstrous tower, the contempt shown to residents and protesters are a product of bad governance and corruption. People are rightly angry.

“Secrecy and covering up public expenditure is wrong and hides unjustified expenses paid by the public. Minister Chris Cardona wants to hide what we pay his advisors. He hid what he spent drinking from his hotel rooms travelling on official business. He hid his weekend jaunts at Formula One cities and he still hides why he went there. He continues to hide how he entertains himself at night when on official duty. People are rightly angry.

“Impunity from prosecution of politicians caught in the act ensures our country is run by delinquents. Konrad Mizzi is still laughing no-one ever asked him why he signed to receive millions into a secret Panama company he set up when he became minister. Keith Schembri never bothered to explain why 17 Black was going to pay him money for nothing. People are rightly angry.”

Occupy Justice said profiteering from crime had sullied the country’s name to the point that when Finance Minister Edward Scicluna caught a taxi in South America the driver assumed he’s corrupt.

“We sell our citizenship to crooks sanctioned by other governments and we have hosted money laundering machines for Cosa Nostra and the Ndrangheta. Our harbours are used to bunker stolen fuel while the authorities watch on. And honest businesses are shying away from Malta. People are rightly angry.”

Dissent or protest, Occupy Justice said, was ignored or suppressed. The government felt it had a free hand to brush off anything or anyone in its way. It assumed objectors were few, leaderless, divided and scared. Those who had not been badly affected by the government’s decisions feared it would soon turn on them.

The organisation, which has been rallying for justice in the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, said senior government officials expressed delight she was gone and the government restricted investigations to ensure those who commissioned her assassination walked free.

The march will start from outside Is-Suq tal-Belt. Speakers at the march will be announced shortly.

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