The ‘local pro-choice man’, Martin Scicluna (‘Referendum lesson’, July 16) has invoked Immanuel Kant’s Sapere aude and has also claimed “overwhelming” support from women.

Given that the immediate result of conception, the very first stage of the unborn, is both animate and very much alive, it is reasonable to assert it is worthy of the protection described by Kant himself (Metaphysics of Morals, §28): “children, as persons, have by their procreation an original innate (not acquired) right to the care of their parents until they are able to look after themselves”.

If Scicluna has difficulty with this assertion, then I invite him to also consider that the zygote is a distinct organism with its own distinct genetic code, different from that of the mother, and, therefore, having its own Kantian, innate right to expect the fullest care.

I am given to speculate that the great Kant feels grossly outraged by Scicluna.

Turning to Scicluna’s other postulation that the outcome of the Irish 2018 referendum was a specific result of the wishes of the “overwhelming” majority of women, it appears that our local man has overlooked the critical numbers.

First, that Ireland is quite evenly divided between men and women. Second, that the total voter turnout was 64 per cent. Third, the average percentage of women who voted in favour of the referendum as reported by Ireland’s own exit polls (RTÉ) was 72 per cent. In real terms, this means that only 46 per cent (72 per cent of 64 per cent) of all women in Ireland voted in favour.

Albeit not small, this real figure has trimmed down whatever is left of Scicluna’s triumphant claim to speak for the ladies.

The lesson for Scicluna is to kindly refrain from apparently misquoting philosophers and misselling numbers or, better still, to simply stop his pro-choice nonsense.

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