Malta will only restore its reputation long when the Prime Minister and those involved in scandals tender their resignation, the Democratic Party said on Saturday.

Malta’s reputation would not be in "dire straits" if the Prime Minister had done the right thing when the Pilatus Bank story had been exposed by Daphne Caruana Galizia in her blog, PD said in a statement. Pilatus Bank is at the centre of a series of money-laundering accusations. 

The party was reacting to the Greek appeal court's decision not to extradite the Pilatus Bank whistleblower to Malta.

Read: Pilatus whistleblower Efimova will not be extradited

It is shameful that the Malta police entertained requesting Maria Efimova's extradition in the first place, and it should have been withdrawn, especially after the first Greek court denied it, PD said.

Ms Efimova was behind allegations that the Panama company Egrant was owned by the Prime Minister’s wife, Michelle Muscat, a claim that was first reported by slain journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and which is strongly denied by the Muscats.

"Malta's reputation wouldn't be in dire straits if the Commissioner of Police had acted promptly to seal the bank, instead of stating that it was a matter of no interest."


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