A time will come for each person to have to leave this world and never to return to it. God did not create each of us in order to be here forever. So God endows us with strength in order to be able to contribute to the continuation of humanity, and then He endows us with lack of strength so that we become wise and detached from all that we have achieved and prepares us to be with Him forever.

Each person dies once and faces judgement after death. Many take offence at the very possibility of a judgement by the God they ignored. Others are afraid of judgement by the God they offended. The judgement of God has nothing to do with our courts of law, whose dispassionate judgments are for guilty or innocent people. The judgement will be God’s final act in the Great Drama of Salvation.

The judgement will be given by the one who died for each person. The Lord is not out for revenge, but in gifting us with Himself, uniting us with Himself, a union begins to come into effect in this life whether we accept His love or not. Being alive is a mystery, as tremendous and fascinating as God Himself. God gave us the freedom to accept His love; God did not give us the freedom to reject Him.

At a time when people in Malta and Gozo are daily confronted by deaths, many go on as if they are going to be here forever, placing their futures into the hands of the inscrutable banking system and the law.

Let us put our trust in the one who had no earthly securities save in his dedication to the Father. His way is not a dead end, nor His truth simplistic, and He gives us a full life.

How consoling to know, in our heart, that our God created each one of us to serve Him. He filled us with His care, affection and His own self-esteem, and having accepted His love, however weakly, His intention was to unite us to Him forever.

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