Partit Demokratiku is moving a Private Member's Bill calling for a change the political direction of the Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development (SPED).

The party wants the word 'feasibility', which is legally undefined, replaced with 'sustainability', and for the narrow concept of 'development sustainability', which is focused on economic issues, to be widened to include environmental and social sustainability.

This would lead to due consideration being given to the island’s constraints and characteristics, it said.

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It would also mean more transparency and accountability in PA decision-making processes during the planning stage of all ODZ applications, including that of the American University of Malta's Żonqor Point campus.

PD said that if the legal wording of SPED remained inappropriate, it would continue to be open to misinterpretation and possible misuse.

Solutions, PD said, should never be cosmetic and the rape of ODZ land by successive governments had to be stopped once and for all.

Read: AUM Żonqor campus is ‘proceeding as planned’

Interview: Political controversy did not affect American University of Malta due diligence process

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