Matsec exam fees will be halved next year and removed the following year for all students, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna announced in the Budget speech this evening.

"We will be removing obstacles in the way of students who had financial problems," he said. 

He also said support services for students will be improved, particularly for vulnerable groups. 

Year IV and Year V  students in all schools will be given tablet computers to help them in their studies.  

A new government primary school is currently being built in Marsaskala and new schools are to be built in Qawra, Msida and Victoria, Gozo. 


READ: Exam fees had been raised in 2014

Tax breaks for postgrad workers

A one-year income tax credit will be given to those who achieve a masters degree after a full-time course. Those who achieve a Ph.D degree will be given a two-year exemption.

In both cases, eligible candidates must be under 40 years old and must work in Malta for three years, with students who pursue part-time courses receiving half the credit.

The exemptions do not apply for degrees which form an ordinary part of obtaining a professional warrant.


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