The Nationalist Party is opposed to direct intervention in the rental market.

Launching the party's pre-budget document (see attached PDF) today, PN deputy leader Mario de Marco said that the party is more interested in ensuring those affected by exorbitant rent increases were helped by the government, rather than introducing market controls.

Shifting part of the blame for the steep rise in rents onto the government, Dr de Marco accused the government of wasting all its first legislature by not proving any new social housing units.

READ: MDA suggests reserving apartments for social housing

He said that the PN wanted to increase the number of units available for rent, make it more attractive to introduce unutilised private property into the rental market and increase rent subsidies for those in need.

Dr De Marco also said that the PN agreed with a proposal floated by the Malta Developers' Association to raise the minimum €1,500 monthly rent threshold required of individuals applying for the cash-for-passports scheme.

Read the PN's pre-Budget document in full in the attached PDF.

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