Renowned international magician and illusionist Brian Role, together with his partner Lola Palmer, were awarded the Merlin Award 2017 for the "Best Magic Dinner Show" by the International Magicians Society (IMS) on Tuesday.

Previous recipients of the award include the likes of David Copperfield, Siegfried & Roy, Penn & Teller and Criss Angel.

World president of the IMS, Tony Hassini, flew in from the US to present the award during a live event at Casino Malta in St Julian’s.

The Merlin Award is thought of as the Oscar equivalent for the magic industry. It is awarded for talent, showmanship, originality, skills and the ability to entertain under any circumstances. It is the highest honour that the magic community can bestow upon an act.

Hassini commented on the Maltese pair’s show entitled The Chamber of Mysteries: “Their interactive, engaging style and amazing feats of magic have won them the respect and admiration of their peers and families all over the world and I am sure that this is only the start of much much more recognition and success in the years to follow.”


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