The GWU has dissociated itself from editorial comments made in its own newspaper - hours after the prime minister said he did not agree with the language used.

Editorials in l-orizzont on Wednesday and Thursday had been strongly critical of a number of Times of Malta and Malta Independent journalists.  

The union said the comments were inappropriate and it said it always worked for unity and not division or confrontation. 

The following is what the newspaper wrote:

"Sadanittant ma’ saqajna għad għandna l-midja falza u ġurnalisti devjati bħal Pierre Portelli, Neil Camilleri, Ivan Camilleri, Jacob Borg u oħrajn, li pprovaw iqarrqu bil-poplu. Huwa sewwa u xieraq li issa jgħibu minn professjoni li rnexxielhom jinfettaw bl-istejjer ivvintati u tgħawwiġ tal-fatti tagħhom. Il-jum tal-ġudizzju għandu jidwi wkoll lill-midja li jirrappreżentaw – it-Times u l-Malta Independent – li wkoll għamlu minn kollox biex ifixklu l-progress Malti.

"Kif qal tajjeb Joseph Muscat, ilkoll irridu ngħinuh biex isseħħ għaqda nazzjonali u jkollna soċjetà ġusta, li mhux biss tkun l-aqwa fl-Ewropa, iżda l-aħjar fid-dinja. Ma nistgħux nilħqu dan l-għan nobbli jekk ikun għad fadal mażżri bħal tradituri u establishment djaboliku."

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