When I was asked to contribute an occasional opinion piece for timesofmalta.com, I wondered what it was I could talk about.

One thing was sure: I wasn't going to talk politics. There was already enough of that to keep those so inclined in clover. I thought with so much else going on around us, it was time to complain and whine about all sorts of other topics, However before turning myself into yet another Disgruntled from BinGemGem I felt I had to make one thing clear: I'm a hypocrite.

I'm stating this at the outset because I really do not want to have any of my words come back to bite me two or three years down the line, or even two or three weeks time, when some sharp-eyed know-it-all throws them at me, totally contradicting something I will have just said. 

One thing was sure: I wasn't going to talk politics. There was already enough of that to keep those so inclined in clover

So let's get some things clear. You will find I will happily profess myself as champion of democracy, yet find the fact that this gives everyone the same single vote, regardless of their education and brain power and (more to the point, don't think exactly like me) totally unacceptable. I consider myself a liberal, who believes that society has commitments towards the under privileged and minorities, who believes in a good health system for all, and legislation such as gun laws, and yet I am also a Libertarian who disapproves of government's undue influence and cannot get my mind round understanding the logic behind drug laws.

I believe that everyone should have a grounding in the arts and arts appreciation and that this constitutes an essential element to one's enjoyment of a good quality of life. I believe that the arts are the best guarantee for a fairer and juster society.

And yet cheerfully admit that all arts are quite useless and some of the world's worst tyrants were also the best connoisseurs and patrons of the arts. (I'm looking at you Borgias) I think all religions are at best a waste of time and at worst the fount of all fundamentalism and terrible violence and yet will not trust any society which does not have a belief system. See – I'm a hypocrite.

And I really don't understand what the fuss is about. After all were would we be without a bit of hypocrisy. More to the point where would news media be. For example no American Presidential Election campaign would be complete without some sex scandal involving a Family Values candidate, preferably caught in a homosexual tryst; or what about some bible-thumping bishop, chasing a bit of skirt, or better still, trousers.

Where would be without some banker telling us that they are too big to fail, just before they abscond with millions of euro leaving said bank to fail? Then there are the professionals You know the ones: the lawyers, judges, doctors, businessmen, university lecturers.

We really do expect them to be whiter than white, but really we are scouring the news just waiting to relish that next bit of hypocrisy to enjoy with our morning coffee. Which is why I say “Hurray for hypocrisy”: the spice of life, the vice which is very nearly a virtue. Which is also why I think all those political 'positions of trust' appointments are a total scandal, but if anyone can think of getting me one, I'll gladly accept. See. There you are. Another broken promise. I said I would avoid talking politics. Now look what I did. What a hypocrite!

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