In a world gone mad the less mad are the sanest. I have no doubt that winning an election by a mighty landslide and having enough extra MPs to allow you never to worry much about getting to Parliament on time would give any man—or woman—a terrible sense of bravado, a smirk that never dies and a horrid feeling of being invincible and irresistible.

A weakened opposition with enough baggage to fill a thousand ships and planes makes life even more exciting and nothing enough of a worry to ruffle any feather.

All this and more is very very true. Sadly true.

When we export our vileness abroad, when we make a show of force when there are people suffering on a ship to whom we refuse entry then the bravado is all about being a bully.

Our Prime Minister is fast, super-fast, turning into a man of no scruples, a man of no fears when it comes to choosing between acting like a true statesman whom the whole of Malta—or at least most Maltese who are not xenophobic—will look up to and respect.

The PM might be winning brownie points with the dregs of life in a country which is quickly showing the world it is a racist country, a country with no soul. The dregs of life might well be the great majority of the population who are now saluting and praising the PM every time he stamps his feet.

But is that all he cares about? Are his infernal ratings all he thinks about while sitting in his Castille office thinking of the affairs of state?

The world stage, unfortunately, looks on in disgust. We are soon going to revert to what we were back in the seventies—a state to be pitied, a state that thinks that attracting attention of the vilest kind is some kind of good publicity. If the PN perpetrated similar vile deeds in the past let them hang their heads in shame too and let their baggage be even heavier and their days of attrition longer and more terrifying.

We, the Maltese, PN. LP, AD or eternal switchers, are the losers. Malta has lost its dignity and will take years to win it back. Shame on us.

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