Possibly Malta’s most international band, Mana Tapu started out, in their own words, “on the golden beaches of Malta… the strum of guitars by the beach, singing, laughter and dancing over the fizzle of breaking waves and the crackle of a campfire”. All of this, they claim, is what lies at the heart of the Mana Tapu sound.

Of course, the fact that the band members hail from Germany, Spain, France, Chile, Canada, and of course, Malta, could have something to do with it too. Think ska and reggae, think folk and rock, funk and punk, mix them all together and you’ll have a vague idea of what drives this band’s unique sound forward.

Further to winning the 2012 Rookies Battle of the Bands, Mana Tapu have just released the debut single Babylon Aside, which is available as a free download by following the links on the band’s Facebook page.


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