Tomorrow, two new video interviews of the following youths talking about their careers will be uploaded on The Zone at

They are a charming, young and incredibly intelligent group of postgraduate students led as a research team by Alex Felice, professor of physiology and biochemistry at the University of Malta.

While Dr Joseph Borg prides himself to be one of the leading scientists behind groundbreaking research on a serious genetic blood disorder, Alexandra Fiott and Jeanesse Scerri enthuse about the fact that science is fun and that there is nothing better than wanting to discover.

Watch the interview with Prof. Felice and three members of his extraordinary team tomorrow on The Zone.

Samuel Sultana is the quintessential artist, a bohemian at heart who will readily live as a squatter on hand-me-downs and free food – when possible – just to bring out the genius in himself and pour it into his work.

He wouldn’t call himself a painter or even an artist – He considers his paintings and his regimental work as his life.

His paintings emanate from the rawness of his current lifestyle. The colour, texture and crudeness of their detail radiate Sultana’s passion for what he does.

His paintings sell well and, albeit still very young, many art lovers and several galleries in Bristol know his name.

Meet the artist in this interview on The Zone tomorrow.

Get heard and share your own experiences with others. Tell them about your career choice, what it takes to get where you are, the ups and downs you experience, and offer advice to those who are still uncertain about what they want to do in the future.

To be interviewed for The Zone, send an e-mail with a brief description of your career, talent, or a social issue you would like to discuss.

Alternatively, you can send your own video. Send a low-resolution version of your file to

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