A woman who was pulled out of the debris following the Save-On supermarket tragedy in Marsa 20 years ago was today awarded compensation of €40,000 by a court.

Iris Cassar, 70, suffered severe fractures to her legs when a false ceiling collapsed on July 21, 1990. Her daughter, Marthese Caruana, was one of the two persons who were killed in the incident.

The court heard how the false ceiling had not been professionally erected. It used to be loaded with mechanise up that ceiling and had collapsed under its own weight.

Mrs Cassar suffered back and leg injuries which led to a permanent 12% disability affecting her mobility.

She had also suffered depression, having lost interest in life and suffered many sleepless nights. Her whole character had changed as a result fo the tragedy.

Francis Gauci, the owner of the supermarket was therefore ordered to pay her €40,000 in compensation.

Dr Joe Brincat was counsel to Mrs Cassar and James D'Agostino was counsel for Francis Gauci.

In May last year, Michael Neville Cassar, Mrs Cassar's husband and father of Marthese Caruana, had welcomed proposed legislation on compensation to accident victims, but called for compensation to be given much sooner than it is today.

He had pointed out how, although compensation has been paid to the widower of his daughter, compensation for the injuries suffered by his wife was still pending.

"My wife and our daughter went shopping together. My daughter needed to buy some toothpaste for her husband and she went further into the shop. Then the ceiling collapsed," Mr Cassar said.

"Our life has not been the same since, and we are still in court seeking compensation for the injuries suffered by my wife."

Although his wife is now able to walk, Mr Cassar said the physical as well as the mental trauma continue to be felt, the latter by all the family.

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