Dealing with a death is a sensitive, painful subject, and not many are ready to open up the wounds and talk about it. But two women, who lost their husbands at a young age, pluck up the courage to tell Pink what it means to get a call informing them that the man of their lives is gone for good.

In a raw, touching and even tear-jerking interview, which appears in the magazine tomorrow, they speak for the first time about how they grappled with the prospect of a life of loneliness, struggled to keep their families going and tried to pick up the pieces.

MemoryLane is a tale of lasting bereavement but also a message of solace to others in the same situation, as well as offering insight for those around them, who never knew what to say, or do.

Years down the line, the widows still broke down as they admitted to burying their heads in their husbands' sweaters to smell their scent to this day, or piling the laundry on the other side of the bed to fill the void and be reassured by its weight.

But a ray of hope and positivity is also present... and continues in other pages of Pink, which is distributed with The Times.

Its health section sees psoriasis sufferers shine a positive light on their debilitating, chronic skin condition, which has both a physical and emotional impact on their lives.

The strong stigma it carries was recently stripped bare through a photographic exhibition in Amsterdam which, as the name The Naked Truth implies, managed to gather sufferers to remove their clothes and expose themselves in an act of bravery, after hiding away for years.

About 5.1 million people across Europe are affected by psoriasis but 19 from 14 countries defied the disease, deciding not to let it define them anymore.

The bed-of-roses notion of a first baby is also stripped bare and its impact on the parents' relationship highlighted through a recent study on the needs of Maltese first-time parents during their transition to parenthood and the implications for the development of an educational programme.

The research shows that the sharing of responsibilities between couples is stronger before birth, but is lacking by six months postpartum, leaving an impact on them. The reality is that husbands tend to support their wives considerably more in the antenatal period but childcare becomes the woman's domain soon after, irrespective of any laudable aims they may have had.

The study is beefed up by the psychotherapist's point of view in the magazine's InFocus section, and the point is hammered home in a vox pop that shows relationships between first-time parents inevitably do suffer.

Pink is a monthly magazine which contains a number of regular features, including a 10-page fashion photo shoot, beauty, books, fitness, food and travel.

Published by Allied Newspapers Ltd, it is printed by Progress Press Ltd, produced by MediaMaker and designed by Helen Cassar Torreggiani and Joseph Schembri.

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