The Institute for Environmental Studies (IES) is holding a course entitled 'Wildlife and Habitats of the Maltese Islands' from May 5 to 13. This introductory course aims to strengthen participants' knowledge of terrestrial flora and fauna and their natural habitats.

Topics include aspects of the biogeography of the Maltese islands, the different types of local natural habitats, the biology of terrestrial plants and animals (including birds), and aspects of the ecology and conservation value of flora and fauna. A session on the appreciation of natural habitats and wildlife through photography is also included.

This is an introductory course and does not assume any knowledge of the habitats of the Maltese islands and associated flora and fauna. It is open to all individuals who would like to acquire basic information on the local terrestrial environment, whether out of personal interest or to consolidate their knowledge of the environmental characteristics of the Maltese Islands.

The course is of particular relevance to biology teachers and students, local councils, planners, architects, NGO members and professionals with an interest in environmental protection and conservation. Lectures will be delivered by leading experts and will be supplemented with notes. It will consist of six evening lecture sessions and a field visit. A certificate of attendance will be awarded to participants who complete the course.

For further information, contact IES co-coordinator Julie Tabone on 2143 1910 or visit

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