Mepa's reply (December 7) to my letter of December 1 (Balcony Scheme Or Downright Scam?) does two things.

First it partly lays the blame for the delay in issuing reimbursements on the applicants themselves.

Second, it tells the 500+ people waiting for their money to keep on waiting.

I wrote my original letter with my mother in mind because it is the case I know best.

Since my appeal appeared in this newspaper, I can confirm that her story is similar to many others. In her case, she hand-delivered all required documents to Mepa's offices on July 11, 2008 and after innumerable verbal, written and personal follow-ups, it was finally confirmed to her (e-mail dated September 4, 2009) that "receipts from your mother are at accounts awaiting payment". As that was three months ago, someone must be blocking the issuing of the pending cheques; a point which goes unanswered by Peter Gingell from Mepa's PR and Marketing office.

Another pertinent question now arises. With €800,000 still available for disbursement, why is there this procrastination in releasing the funds?

As to when all the entitled applicants can expect to be reimbursed, surely a professional organisation can give a more precise date than "over the coming weeks". For many, when the weeks have turned to months and the months to over a year, such a generic phrase does not inspire confidence. Hence, a specific date by when all those entitled to the grant will have the cheque in hand is in order.

I trust that these issues will be addressed immediately in the interests of all.

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