The festive season is quite eventful, to say the least. This time involves fun family gatherings, a party or two, chaotic last minute shopping, fund-raisers for charity, staff party freebies, and, if time permits, a quick trip to Mass to say our thanks and praise.

Christmas is a holiday for everyone. Innocent children wait for the chubby man in the red suit to bring their gifts for being good and eat up all their milk and cookies. Then there are the school parties and the outings to watch Christmas films as well as the school play to look forward to.

For entrepreneurs it’s a hectic time of the year filled initially with frustration, but which later reaps its rewards. For believers, it’s a significant time filled with giving and love.

For the lonely, it’s a reminder of just how alone they are. For those unwell and perhaps hospitalised the pain seems even stronger when it happens at this time of the year.

For most students, it’s a time to lay back and celebrate (because we always find a reason to) just before exam season starts in January.

I have noticed many students getting into the festive spirit by organising fund-raisers on campus, as well as toy drives, blood drives and bake sales. These are all very thoughtful ideas and I applaud them for giving up their time and effort for such a cause. Whether one is a true fan of the Christmas season or not, it is a time of the year that just makes people want to give.

The two weeks of holidays we students are blessed with are just right. Some might argue that heading back to University on January 3 is a little too close to the New Year festivities; some might not yet be fully recovered from New Year’s Eve and Day celebrations.

Being a student involves many important choices, like which party to go to on Christmas Eve, and what to wear for the occasion.

Let’s not forget New Year’s Eve. An event many friends have described as ‘the most overrated night of the year’, a night filled with expectations, anticipation and over-priced tickets.

When you think about it, isn’t New Year’s Eve just another night? All that’s different is the countdown, the open bar, and the swanky suit.

Some more studious students may use the Christmas holidays to catch up on assignments, that dreaded thesis, or begin to prepare themselves for the January exams.

There may be others who take the opportunity to put in a few extra shifts and make some money. Then there are those, who, in true festive spirit, refuse to miss a night out and simply milk Paceville for all it’s worth, and doing it all again the following day.

I must say I’m glad Christmas only comes round once a year. It’s costly, hectic, tiring and unsympathetic to everybody’s waistband.

Though the reunions are pleasant, the giving feels good and the receiving is great, I look forward to going back to my usual weekly routine of school, work, that occasional visit to the gym, and those fun Friday nights out.

Ms Vella is a second year BA Communications student.

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