What absolute rot this country is sinking into. Don't you feel we are faring worse in the EU than outside it? Five years into the much-vaunted EU club membership, we have roads that are probably worse than any Third World country's. Just what hold does Minister Austin Gatt, who is responsible for roads, have over his party to get away with such incompetence? What is happening to our tax money?

Dr Gatt thinks Malta owes him, apparently, and the PN scandalously allows him to get away with it. We still do not know why public land worth over €23 million was allowed, by Dr Gatt's default, to become the property of a private company. The EU has been of no help to us in that, has it?

Neither are we making any headway with the mess of public debt the country was left with by the "money no problem" Prime Minister, whose successor has continued to add to that awesome pile, in spite of the horrendous taxation he plunders from the people. What help has the EU been in that area?

We were told we would strengthen democracy by joining the EU. But has there been any improvement in our brand of democracy, where the government lies blatantly at election time and does exactly the opposite of what it promises when re-elected - as GonziPN has done since March last year.

Are we expected to forget the Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando episode? That is not the EU's fault, of course, but what has our democracy gained from EU membership?

But in one area, at least, the EU has been an overwhelming obstacle to us.

Rather than helping us, it has led us into a human trap. EU membership has made us a target of human traffickers and we have to see how to deal with - without the EU's much-vaunted but non-existent solidarity - the frightening problems of Africa's corruption, poverty and human degradation.

EU membership makes Africans head for Malta, which they see as a gateway to Europe. Africans from countries that are rich in resources, plundered by their own government, are fleeing the sickness of their countries to come to Malta, an EU member. But Europe selfishly refuses to help us and our weak-kneed government accepts titbits from Europe, such as the asylum pact, which is not at all helping us, but which GonziPN trumpets as victories. And former friends like Italy are becoming our detractors.

And all that the government can do, for fear of "offending" Italy, is to accept humiliation. And send protest notes.

Why didn't Tonio Borg protest to the EU, instead of to Rome and its ambassador here? Why didn't Dr Borg send Richard Cachia Caruana to the EC, across the road from our costly Brussels residence, to protest? It is time for Mr Cachia Caruana to show a return to his country for the comfort his country has showered so liberally on him.

Where is the promised EU solidarity? The Italian Ambassador has made us a laughing stock, so why isn't he sent packing? Does anyone now doubt the validity of the Labour Party's strategy about illegal immigration? Must we sink before we are given help? What good would help be then, when the Africans would have overrun Malta? We are being waterboarded. What is the EU doing to help us?

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