Viset Malta has completed a €2 million project to extend its primary quay at Valletta Waterfront. The project involved removing a ro-ro ramp which had extended out of the existing quay, thus reducing the usefulness of the quay for the bigger cruise ships.

The ro-ro ramp was used in the past for the quick loading and unloading of container ships.

Viset said the work, launched in the autumn, had been completed in time for the summer peak.

The project also included excavation and dredging works on the seabed.

The quay is now 308 metres long, from the previous 264 metres.

Viset acting general manager Stephen Xuereb said cruise ships were getting bigger, to take advantage of economies of scale, accommodating more passengers, while housing a multitude of amenities to go beyond the expectations of clientele. VISET Malta plc has recognised the need to move in line with this development.

Mr Xuereb said larger vessels visiting the Valletta Waterfront for the rest of 2009 would benefit from this investment, including, among others, the MSC Splendida, MSC Poesia, Navigator of the Seas, Brilliance of the Seas, Norwegian Gem, Costa Pacifica and Costa Luminosa.

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