A man who had dodged jail following two earlier arraignments will finally serve time after being condemned to 5-and-a-half years behind bars for a series of violent robberies.

Khaled Madmoud Abulkasem faced 18 separate charges of aggravated theft, including seven episodes in which his victims were mugged at knifepoint, and other incidents involving theft of cash as well as mobile phones.

Moreover, the accused was charged with having, over a span of 4 months between October 2015 and January 2016, attacked police officers, escaped from custody and also with having stolen handcuffs and pepper spray from the officers. 

In addition, the court noted that the man had twice breached bail conditions.

Standing before Magistrate Joseph Mifsud, the accused pleaded guilty and apologised for all he had done.

Besides imposing the 5-and-a-half year jail term and €6,200 fine, the court also ordered the two bail guarantees amounting to €8,000 to be confiscated by the authorities. Magistrate Mifsud finally ordered the man to undergo psychiatric treatment.

Magistrate Mifsud also ordered the man to undergo psychiatric treatment.

Inspector James Grech prosecuted, while lawyer Victor Bugeja was defence counsel.


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