The following are the main stories in Sunday’s newspapers.

The Sunday Times of Malta says the environmental watchdog has singled out the coast of Xgħajra as the only viable location for a “major” land reclamation project – a move that is not likely to go down well with developers. In another story, it says Air Malta’s ground handling division – a loss-making section of the national airline – has been bloated with new staff and hundreds of additional fulltimers on the direction of Tourism Minster Konrad Mizzi. It also says Malta is insisting that control of appointments to its judiciary could not be completely left to the judiciary itself.

The Malta Independent on Sunday says that the informal feedback provided by the European Banking Authority and the European Commission to the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit on the latter’s action plan following scrutiny by the institutions was positive and encouraging.

Kullħadd says that a Constitutional Court judgement on Tancred Tabone found breach of fundamental human rights because of questions asked during a public inquiry while procedures in court were underway.

It-Torċa says the Libyan consulate at Ta’ Xbiex has asked the police to investigate Khaled Ben Hasan who had made several claims about Neville Gafà.

Il-Mument says Castille is furious at Health Minister Chris Fearne’s decision to sack Mr Gafà in spite of the Prime Minister’s praise.

Malta Today says Malta’s police are liaising with Spain in the tuna investigation.

Illum says Evarist Bartolo will be nominated for President and a reshuffle will be held in 2019.


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