More than 20 per cent of people who have gone on a 18- to 30-style holiday did not enjoy it, according to a poll.

Yet, more than a third of over-30s said they regretted not going on that type of trip, the poll by travel agent found.

Two in three who hadn’t taken an 18-30 holiday said they felt they had “missed out”.

A total of 1,083 people over the age of 30 were questioned for the survey.

On average, they had taken 21 holidays in total, with 91 per cent visiting a particular resort more than once.

About 44 per cent who had been on an 18-30 trip said they had had a holiday fling while they were there.

Another survey by cruise holiday comparison site showed that women were more likely to sunbathe topless on a cruise than on a land-based trip.

Of the 1,269 women surveyed, all of whom had gone on cruise trips as well as dry-land holidays, 21 per cent said they went topless on beach trips and 27 per cent were happy to sunbathe topless on a cruise.

But 32 per cent of those polled said they would never sunbathe topless on any holiday.

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