Consider this gem on Maltastar:

"A classic recent example of the PNS bias on PBS was Bondiplus with the PL's Chris Cardona and the PN's Chris Said.

It was in our view shameful and shameless. The whole programme discussed a Facebook style replete with pictures brochure as if it was all fully factual."

Leaving aside the sad fact that for Maltastar and its fellow-travellers, the Government's record can be dismissed with such shallowness, what was actually being discussed was the Government's take on its own record, as was amply clear from the context of the programme.

This was clearly irrelevant to Cardona, who kept making funnies about "photo-albums", and it continues to be irrelevant to his party, who are doing their damndest to confirm that Labour has no answers to the very relevant questions being put to it (even by MaltaToday, for heaven's sake) preferring to squeal and whine about bias and the power of incumbency and being underdogs. Poor lambs.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that Labour has taken on board one of the shallowest of marketing sharp-practises: repeat something, anything, often enough, and people will start believing it, however little truth there is in it.

A classic example is the "open-air theatre" nag that is trotted out every time someone wants to make a point. Piano's design never contemplated an open-air theatre, whatever the Astrids and the Kenneths of this world may bleat, but simply a memorial that can be used as a performance space.

Is this so difficult to comprehend? No, of course not, but if someone puts up an irritating, high-pitched, whine and just doesn't stop, understanding will be driven out in favour of misdirection and wooly thinking.

Oh well, after this evening's edition of Bondi+, Labour should be all sweetness and light about it, because none other than one of their Star Candidates, criminal lawyer Manwel Mallia, will be on to give us the low-down of four years' of Labour's activities. I was going to write "achievements", but, well, you know...

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