Another scandal of the corrupt GonziPN has been literally unearthed this Friday, fortunately, not the 13th.

MEPA, that Authority which (almost) all love to hate, has changed sides to play the whistle-blower. (Every devil has a virtuous lining no matter how nefarious he/she happens to be. This is the infernal MEPA’s silver lining. It can very well be its most glorious hour.)

It seems that there is still hope for this country of ours. As long as MEPA’s silver lining morphs into the silver lining  of all other (up to now) sycophant authorities and fellow travellers, then, not all is lost.  It is now clear that there are still solid institutions which raise up (or is it dig deep down, in this case?) to the occasion and bare all (not in Prince Harry’s fashion, mind you) truth for the gentle and honest citizens of our country to see and shock themselves.

Truth always prevails even when it is buried under heaps (a bit of exaggeration) of sand!

MEPA has informed us (reliably one presumes) that the poor turtle embryos were killed by a combination of drowning and asphyxiation. How horrible of GonziPN! How perverse and inhuman! Following the attack on human embryos due to the IVF proposed legislation,  GonziPN went into action by massacring the embryos of the poor turtle.

The horrible Gonzian spin doctors are trying to hide the horror of this mother (or is it just mother to be) of all massacres by a diabolically hatched (some are so lucky, aren’t they?) pincer attack.

On the one hand these spin doctors are saying that this ecological disaster is the fault of MEPA. The first step in the Gonzian strategy is: attack the whistle blower. Had MEPA left nature to take its course we would now have little turtles swimming to their heart’s content at Gnejna. MEPA, the apologists are saying, should never have played god and moved the eggs!

Goebbels taught them the second line of attack. For those with whom this spinning does not go down well, the second stage of the counter-attack was launched this very afternoon. It is called the big lie strategy. Brace yourself: Malta is out of recession.

This strategy will not work for three reasons.

First reason: as if we care!

Second reason. Objectively speaking there is no comparison between Malta getting out of recession and the Gnejna massacre. Animal lovers of the world unite! This time it is turtle’s eggs but next time it can be …… Who knows what depravity will GonziPN descend to?

The third reason is much more important. But I am still trying to find what it is.

Someone must take political responsibility for this great scandal. Our sick democracy is getting sicker by the day because of such scandals. It is almost moribund. By the time you finish reading this piece, Maltese democracy would be taking its last painful breath.

Lovers of democracy unite: We cannot let this evil clique heap on us one obscenity upon obscenity.

Will any new party present itself to help the people cry in unison: Hu go fik GonziPN?

Will we find a leader who is ready to suffer this much for the good of all?

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