Following previous correspondence and subsequently after the letter published in The Sunday Times of November 16, Tarxien council was contacted by the Enemalta district foreman about the lack of lighting in Penza Gardens.
A meeting was set on site in the presence of the council's executive secretary, the director of Nexos Street Lighting and the district foreman, followed by three other Enemalta technicians. It was confirmed that, as stated in our previous letter, the power supply and fuse were disconnected (the glass fuse was not found and obviously removed and taken by whoever did this exercise). It seems that nobody knows how this happened and who did it; even the district foreman was unaware of this.
In this respect we are kindly asking Enemalta's PRO, Ian Vella, to enlighten the council and the residents concerned where he got the information from that the electricity supply to this garden is healthy. Also, who was authorised to carry out the disconnection and for what valid reason.
After consulting with the district foreman, our contractor Nexos made the necessary connections again there and then. May I thank Mario Carabott (Enemalta foreman) and engineer G. Portelli for their prompt action and help. Many thanks also go to Stephen Xuereb (Nexos) for his interest and attention.